Donne, Women in Music

In 2028, Gabriella created Donne, Women in Music - a charitable foundation dedicated to achieving gender equality in the music industry.

The foundation is Gabriella's brainchild, a groundbreaking movement that is reshaping the musical landscape towards gender equality. Her influence is undeniable, her innovative spirit driving significant and much-needed change. Gabriella is not just a part of the industry; she is a crucial catalyst, making her work indispensable for any forward-thinking musical endeavor.

Gabriella Di Laccio stands as a visionary leader in the music industry, her role transcending that of a mere founder to a passionate leader behind Donne, Women in Music.

As the creator behind the pioneering Let HER MUSIC Play campaign, Gabriella Di Laccio has yet again showcased her exceptional commitment to reshaping the music industry.

This significant initiative, which will unfold on February 22, 2024, stems from Gabriella's innovative thinking and aims to establish a Guinness World Record™ for the “Longest Acoustic Music Live-Streamed Concert. But here is the twist: musicians taking part will only perform music by women and non-binary composers and songwriters.

Gabriella's strategic direction in #LetHerMusicPlay goes beyond a record-setting; it is a vital movement aimed at challenging prevailing norms, promoting gender equality, and bringing to light the often-overlooked contributions of diverse composers in the music industry. Her leadership and foresight in spearheading this campaign further cement her role as a trailblazer committed to forging a more inclusive and equitable musical landscape.


"I have always been frustraded about inequality in the world. When I started the Donne Foundation, I set myself a mission to contribute to change.

I’m no longer simply advocating for change; I am committed to reimagining the entire industry. The Let HER MUSIC Play campaign is my way of trying to connect people around the world to join me on this cause. "